
Club Bulletin 2024-25 #7

Michael Jeh (an Oxford Blue and former first-class cricketer, now working in the area of gender equity and DV prevention/bystander training) who spoke to us about “Small Steps 4 Hannah Foundation”.

We were delighted to be joined by members from other Rotary organizations, including: Carlingford Rotary Club; Rotary club of West Pennant Hills/Cherrybrook; Hills Rotaract Club and the Baulkham Hills Inner Wheel Club.

Hannah Clarke and her three children, Aaliyah, 6, Laianah, 4, and Trey, 3, lost their lives as a result of domestic violence.

The Clarke Family wish to honour the memories of their beloved family members by establishing Small Steps 4 Hannah to raise awareness and educate children and young people to identify coercive control behaviours and H.A.L.T. the cycle of Domestic and Family Violence.

By establishing SS4H, the Clarke Family wish to educate children and support victims and their families to take small, but vital, steps to H.A.L.T the cycle of domestic violence and support those affected by it, around Australia.

Read the Bulletin – Click Here:

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